

The simulation engine is written in Python 3.9, so the first thing to ensure when running it on some machine is that Python 3.9 is installed there. The remaining dependencies of the project can be found in the requirements file. Running the following from the root directory of the project installs all required packages in one go (assuming that the python command corresponds to a Python 3.9 installation):

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Installing the simulation engine is very simple, as it only involves cloning the relevant Github project:

git clone


The simulation engine is a CLI tool, i.e. it can be executed through a terminal. In the future, a user-friendly interface may be added, but for now the best way to interact with the simulation is by running a python script that invokes it.

To run the simulation, navigate to the directory of the project and run the script from a terminal:


This executes the simulation with the default options (1000 agents, k = 100, a0 = 0.3, and so on). It is also possible to run the simulation with different parameters. For example, to if we want a simulation with 10,000 agents and target number of pools k = 500, we can run the following:

python --n=10000 --k=500

For the full list of options that the simulation accepts, refer to the Configuration page, and for examples of using the simulation engine in different ways see the Examples page.