

To install the tokenomics decentralization analysis tool, simply clone this GitHub repository:

git clone

The tool is written in Python 3, therefore a Python 3 interpreter is required in order to run it locally.

The requirements file lists the dependencies of the project. Make sure you have all of them installed before running the scripts. To install all of them in one go, run the following command from the root directory of the project:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


The tokenomics decentralization analysis tool is a CLI tool. To run the tool simply do:


The execution is controlled and parameterized by the configuration file config.yaml as follows:

metrics defines the metrics that will be computed in the analysis. By default, all supported metrics are included here (to add support for a new metric see the conributions page).

ledgers defines the ledgers that will be analyzed. By default, all supported ledgers are included here (to add support for a new ledger see the conributions page).

execution_flags defines flags that control the data handling (all set to false by default):

  • force_map_addresses: if set to true, the address mapping data from the directory mapping_information is re-computed; you should set this flag to true if the mapping data has been updated since the last execution for the given ledger

analyze_flags defines various analysis-related flags:

  • clustering_sources: a list of sources that should be used to compute the address mapping information. If empty, no clustering takes place and the addresses are treated as distinct entities. The list should contain any combination of the following options (case sensitive): "Explorers", "Staking Keys", "Multi-input transactions".
  • top_limit_type: a string that can take one of two values (absolute or percentage) that enables applying a threshold on the addresses that will be considered
  • top_limit_value: the value of the top limit that should be applied; if 0, then no limit is used (regardless of the value of top_limit_type); if the type is absolute, then the top_limit_value should be an integer (e.g., if set to 100, then only the 100 wealthiest entities/addresses will be considered in the analysis); if the type is percentage the the top_limit_value should be a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., if set to 0.50, then only the top 50% of wealthiest entities/addresses will be considered)
  • exclude_contract_addresses: a boolean value that enables the exclusion of contract addresses from the analysis
  • exclude_below_fees: a boolean value that enables the exclusion of addresses, the balance of which at the analyzed point in time was less than the average transaction fee
  • exclude_below_usd_cent: a boolean value that enables the exclusion of addresses, the balance of which at the analyzed point in time was less than $0.01 (based on the historical price information in the directory price_data)

snapshot_dates and granularity control the snapshots for which an analysis will be performed. granularity is a string that can be empty or one of day, week, month, year. If granularity is empty, then snapshot_dates define the exact time points for which an analysis will be conducted, in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Otherwise, if granularity is set, then the two farthest entries in snapshot_dates define the timeframe over which the analysis will be conducted, at the set granular rate. For example, if the farthest points are 2010 and 2023 and the granularity is set to month, then (the first day of) every month in the years 2010-2023 (inclusive) will be analyzed.

input_directories and output_directories are both lists of directories that define the source of data. input_directories defines the directories that contain raw address balance information, as obtained from BigQuery or a full node (for more information about this see the data collection page). output_directories defines the directory to store the output files of the analysis and the plots.

Finally, plot_parameters contains various parameters that control whether plots will be produced for the results and for which configurations.