How to contribute

You can contribute to the tool by adding support for a ledger, updating the mapping process for an existing ledger, or adding a new metric. In all cases, the information should be submitted via a GitHub PR.

Add support for ledgers

You can add support for a ledger that is not already supported as follows.

Mapping information

In the directory mapping_information/, there exist three folders (addresses, clusters, identifiers). In each folder, add a file named <project_name>.json, if there exist such information for the new ledger (for more details on what type of information each folder corresponds to see the mapping documentation).

Parser and mapping

If no existing parser can be reused, create a file named <project_name> in the directory consensus_decentralization/parsers/. In this file create a new class, which inherits from the DefaultParser class of Then, override its parse method in order to implement the new parser (or override another method if there are only small changes needed, e.g. parse_identifiers if the only thing that is different from the default parser is the way identifiers are decoded).

If no existing mapping can be reused, create a file named <project_name> in the directory consensus_decentralization/mappings/. In this file create a new class, which inherits from the DefaultMapping class of Then, override its perform_mapping method and/or any other methods that are required (e.g. map_from_known_identifiers).

Then, you should enable support for the new ledger in the parser and mapping module scripts. Specifically:

  • in the script consensus_decentralization/, import the parser class and assign it to the project's name in the ledger_parser dictionary;
  • in the script consensus_decentralization/, import the mapping class and assign it to the project's name in the dictionary ledger_mapping.


  • You should add an entry in each dictionary, regardless of whether you use a new or existing parser or mapping – if no new parser or mapping class was created for the project, simply assign the suitable class (e.g. DefaultParser or DefaultMapping) to the project's name in the corresponding dictionary.
  • If you create a new parser/mapping, you should also add unit tests here


Finally, you should include the new ledger in the documentation pages; specifically:


You can optionally commit small sample data for the new ledger in the raw_block_data folder. Alternatively, make sure to add your raw data file in the raw_block_data folder before running the tool on the new ledger.

Update existing mapping information

All mapping data are in the folder mapping_information. To update or add information about a supported ledger's mapping, you should open a Pull Request. This can be done either via console or as follows, via the browser:

  • Open the file that you want to change (e.g., for Bitcoin, follow this link) on your browser.
  • Click Edit this file.
  • Make your changes in the file.
  • On the bottom, initiate a Pull Request.
  • Write a short and descriptive commit title message (e.g., "Update 2019 links for company A").
  • Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
  • In the page that opens, change the PR title (if necessary) and click on Create pull request.

When updating the mapping information, the following guidelines should be observed:

  • The link to a pool's website should be active and public.
  • All sources cited should be publicly available and respectable. Unofficial tweets or unavailable or private sources will be rejected.You can use specific keywords, in the cases when the information is available on-chain. Specifically:
  • homepage: this keyword is used in Cardano, to denote that two pools define the same homepage in their metadata (which are published on-chain)
  • Specifically, for legal_links.json:
  • The value of the pool's name (that is the first value in each array entry under a company), should be the same as the value that corresponds to a key name in the ledger-specific pool information, as defined in the corresponding addresses, clusters or identifiers file. If this string is not exactly the same (including capitalization), the link will not be identified during the mapping process.
  • There should exist no time gaps in a pool's ownership structure.

Add metrics

To add a new metric, you should do the following steps.

First, create a relevant script in the folder consensus_decentralization/metrics. The script should include a function named compute_{metric_name} that, given a dictionary of entities (as keys) to number of blocks (as values), outputs a single value (the outcome of the metric).

Second, import this new function to consensus_decentralization/

Third, add the name of the metric (which should be the same as the one used in the filename above) and any parameter values it might require to the file config.yaml, under metrics.

Fourth, you should add unit tests for the new metric here.

Finally, you should update the corresponding documentation page